Live Streaming a Hacker’s Mind

Interview with hacker and content creator NahamSec

Vickie Li
ShiftLeft Blog


Photo by Stanley Li on Unsplash

In this episode of Sources and Sinks, I got the opportunity to sit down with Ben Sadeghipour, known online as NahamSec, about the experience of being a content creator in the infosec space. Listen on if you want to learn about how he got started as a content creator, what it’s like to live stream his hacking, how to stay motivated in and deal with imposter syndrome in the public spotlight.

Source and Sinks is a technology-focused podcast. We talk about the business, people, products, and culture of technology — with a security twist.Listen to more Sources and Sinks on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast app.



Professional investigator of nerdy stuff. Hacks and secures. Creates god awful infographics.